Thursday, August 28, 2008

To the Starting Line

On your mark.

Get Set.

Um . . .

This being the first week of class I kept expecting to get busy. Hmm. Waiting . . . waiting . . .

I'm sure I'll regret saying this in another week's time, but so far it has been decidedly anti-climactic. Oh well, another day, another dollar-spent.

I met with my advisor for my Digital Fellow project and I will be working with a collection of readings from a locally broadcast program called Pairie Lights. This will involve digitizing the recordings from their original format (sometimes reel-to-reel!), and then finding the best way to sort them, store them and make them available to the public via a website linked to the Virtual Writing University.

I have learned three things in the last week, though. 1) Being alone is difficult for social butterflies. 2) Keep your boyfriend as close to you as humanly possible. 3) Don't read Priscilla Presley biographies when you are relatively alone and relatively unoccupied. Earth shattering, I know. You should be taking notes.

On a lighter note--my new roommate has arrived!! Enter Stage Left: Amy Scott. She is great and amazing, and has already made our little pad more of a home. Yeah, thanks Amy! Amy is in the non-fiction writing program working on an MFA and is coming to us from California, then BYU where she completed her Undergraduate degree. She just finished up a year interning with the Smithsonian in Washingon, D.C. (Not the State, Aunt Connie.) She pretty much rocks.

Amusing Story: I was at the Coralville Public library working at a computer station when a cute Asian family of three gathered to use the one across from me. Mother, Father, three year old (ish) daughter. The mom was working on the computer, occupying the chair and effectively ignoring the child's prattle, which went something like this: "Mom, would you please let me use the chair? Could I get in the chair, Mom? I need to get those (presumably the pencil and paper) and I can't reach. Mom, can I? Mom?" The precocious, and adorable young thing continued in like manner for several minutes. Mom: "Um-hmm. What dear? umm . . ." Next, the sly young thing is asking "Mom, can I use the bathroom? I need to go to the bathroom. Mom . . ." Mom: "Okay, just a minute." Then, the moment mom gets up for the errand where do you think the three year old re-locates? Quite miraculously she no longer needs to use the bathroom!! Parents beware. This is the generation of the future!

That is all. Scroll down for food for thought.


MTg McBride said...

Nicki - we miss you!! Update your blog so we feel in the loop.

Or perhaps you life DID get busy with school, so you have no time. I guess we can understand that.

Love ya!

Troy & Emily said...

It seems like school finally got busy because we haven't seen any updates in a little while@ Good luck NickiBlair! We love you!
-Emily Troy & Sophy!

Heidi said...

It looks like you're due for a new post (it has been more than 30 days) and I love to read what you are doing because you always have such fun stories! Humor a girl?

Nicki said...

Thanks for caring, kids!! I love you and hope you enjoy the two posts to make up for the dry spell.